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Dhirendra Gupta

Student at BIT Mesra Aug. 23, 2020, 12:55 p.m. ⋅ 1987 views

Placement preparation C Programming Objective Type Questions with answers (Set 2)

Q1. Functions with same name and different parameters represents :

a) function overloading

b) function overriding

c) recursion

d) None of the mentioned



Q2. getch() is present in this header file

a) stdio.h

b) conio.h

c) stdlib.h

d) None of the mentioned



Q3. This keyword is used for defining new data type names.

a) docstring

b) typedef

c) Both of them

d) None of them


Q4. Which precision specifier the number of significant digits ?

a) %g

b) %G

c) %f

d) Both a and b


Q5. In order to display address, we need :

a) %q

b) %a

c) %p

d) None of the mentioned



Q6. _____ is used to take user input in C.

a) input()

b) printf()

c) scanf()

d) None of the above



Q7. ‘%[ ]’ is used for :

a) taking array as input

b) scans for set of characters

c) takes integer as input

d) None of the above



Q8. To avoid repetition of code and bulky programs, statements are isolated inside a _____.

a) Functions
b) Modules
c) Header Files
d) None of the above


Q9. In C, order of passing arguments to a function is done : 

a) left to right

b) right to left

c) Randomly

d) Manually



Q10. pow() is present in which header file ?

a) maths.h

b) arithmetic.h

c) process.h

d) math.h



Q11. In pointers, meaning of ‘*’ is :

a) pointer variable

b) value at address

c) value of address

d) None of the mentioned



Q12. When double is converted to float then the value is ?

a) Truncated

b) Rounded

c) Depends upon compiler

d) None of the mentioned


Q13. Can we declare function inside structure of C ?

a) YES

b) NO

c) Both of them

d) None of them



Q14. Which of the following is an ternary operator in C?

a) &&

b) %%

c) !=

d) ?:


Q15. What is the use of ‘%%’ specifier ?

a) Finding remainder

b) Finding quotient

c) Printing % sign

d) None of the mentioned


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