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Dhirendra Gupta

Student at BIT Mesra Aug. 23, 2020, 12:45 p.m. ⋅ 6181 views

Placement preparation C Programming Objective Type Questions with answers (Set 1)

Q1. C Programming Language is often called as :

a) High Level Language

b) Middle Level Language

c) Low Level Language

d) None of these

 ANSWER: (b)


Q2. Which of the following is true about C programming language ?

a) C is a structural language.

b) C is a procedural language.

c) C does not supports function within function.

d) All of these



Q3. How many keywords are there in C programming language ?

a) 32

b) 28

c) 21

d) None of these



Q4. Which is not the extended keyword in C ?

a) _Imaginary

b) _Complex

c) inline

d) None of these



Q5. Process in which source code is combined with object code is termed as :

a) Linker

b) Loading

c) Linking

d) None of these



Q6. An object of type ‘char’ is of :

a) 1 byte

b) 2 bytes

c) 4 bytes

d) 8 bytes



Q7. For 32 bits environment, size of ‘int’ data type is :

a) 2 bytes

b) 4 bytes

c) 8 bytes

d) None of these



Q8. What is the minimal range of unsigned char data type ?

a) -127 to 127

b) 0 to 255

c) -32767 to 32767

d) None of these



Q9. In C, the names of variables, functions, labels, and various other user-defined items are :

a) keywords

b) Tokens

c) Identifiers

d) None of these



Q10. Variables that are declared inside a function are :

a) constants

b) literals

c) global

d) local



Q11. All non-global variables are by default :

a) auto

b) static

c) extern

d) register



Q12. You can direct the compiler to retain the values of local variables using _____ modifier.

a) auto

b) static

c) extern

d) register



Q13. main() is :

a) keyword

b) function

c) both

d) None of these



Q14. This modifier tells the compiler that the value of the variable may change at any time – without any action being taken by the code the compiler finds nearby.

a) extern

b) public

c) void

d) volatile



Q15. Variables with ____ keyword are only declared not defined.

a) auto

b) extern

c) static

d) register



Q16. Which of the following statement about ‘static variables’ is false ?

a) Static variables are permanent variables within their own function or file.

b) Static local variables are not known outside the function or file.

c) Static variables maintain their values during function calls.

d) Static variables and global variables are same. 



Q17. Which operator is used to return the length of the variables in bytes ?

a) size()

b) length()

c) leng()

d) sizeof()



Q18. The format identifier ‘%i’ is also used for :

a) char

b) int

c) float

d) double



Q19. Which data type is best for storing a number 65000 in a 32-bit system ?

a) int

b) long

c) signed short

d) unsigned short



Q20.  Which header file can be used to define i/o function prototypes and macros?

a) stdio.h

b) conio.h

c) stdlib.h

d) alloc,h



Q21. Which of the following is an invalid if-else statement ?

a) if (if (a == 1)){}

b) if (func1 (a)){}

c) if (a){}

d) if ((char) a){}



Q22. According to ANSI specification, how to declare main () function with command-line arguments ?

a) int main(int argc, char *argv[])

b) int char main(int argc, *argv)

c) Both of the above

d) None of the above



Q23. const int *ptr;. Which statement is true ?

a) You cannot change the value pointed by ptr
b) You cannot change the pointer ptr itself
c) You May or may not change the value pointed by ptr
d) You can change the pointer as well as the value pointed by it


Q24. _____ is used to break out of a program ?

a) break

b) continue

c) terminate

d) exit


Q25. Which is an indirection operator among the following?

a) &

b) $

c) *

d) .



Q26. Which of the following does not initialize ptr to null (assume a = 0) ?

a) int *ptr = &a;

b) int *ptr = &a – &a;

c) int *ptr = a – a;

d) All of the mentioned



Q27. If :

char s[10],*p;
p = s;

then, s[i] can be written as :

a) s – i

b) p + i

c) *(s + i)

d) *(p + i)



Q28. When a function is called by itself again and again, then it is : 

a) call by value

b) call by reference

c) recursion

d) system function call



Q29. Which can never be called by value using call by value method ?

a) structure

b) union

c) array

d) all of these


Q30. What is the maximum number of arguments that can be passed in a single function ?

a) 341

b) 263

c) 253

d) 308



Q31. _____ is the collection of similar-type elements ?

a) Structure

b) Union

c) Array

d) String



Q32. Which is true about following statement in C :

void ( * abc( int, void ( *def) () ) ) (); 

a) abc is a pointer variable to pointer-type function def.

b) Illegal statement

c) abc is a ptr to a function which takes 2 parameters.

d) None of the above



Q33. What can not be declared : 

a) Array of integers
b) Array of pointers
c) Array of structures
d) None of the above



Q34. Which of the following is not a arithmetic operation :

a) n/=10

b) n*=10

c) n+=10

d) n!=10



Q35. Which datatype is not applicable for mod(%) operation ?

a) int

b) float

c) char

d) None of these


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