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Introduction Understanding FastAPI Install FastAPI Build your first API using FastAPI

FastAPI - Install FastAPI

To install FastAPI you need to have prerequisite installed on your system, which are following:


  • Python 3.6 + 
    To install Python, head over to Python official website and follow the instructions.

Installing FastAPI

FastAPI is very flexible in terms of how you want to install it. You can do a custom installation and install dependency as per your need.

Recommended installation

The most recommended way to install FastAPI is to install all of its dependencies in one go:

pip install "fastapi[all]"


Custom installation

Alternatively, You can also install FastAPI part by part.

This is what you would probably do once you want to deploy your application to production:

pip install fastapi

Also install uvicorn to work as the server:

pip install "uvicorn[standard]"

And the same goes for each of the optional dependencies that you want to use.

What is prerequisite for installing FastAPI ?

A. C++

B. Python 2

C. Python 3.6 +

D. None of the options

See answer

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