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Ritu Aggrawal

Site reliability engineer at Uber

Bangalore, India

Ngnix, Apache, AWS, Server management

HackersFriend @ritu_aggrawal ( Joined 5 years, 1 month ago )

Bio: Improving server performance


ritu_aggrawal published an article

Aug. 14, 2020 ⋅ 1150 views

HTML How to assign an initial value to radio button as checked


ritu_aggrawal published an article

March 8, 2020 (Updated March 8, 2020) ⋅ 1205 views

How to limit file upload size on Ngnix


ritu_aggrawal published an article

Feb. 2, 2020 (Updated Feb. 2, 2020) ⋅ 958 views

How to Implement Browser side Caching of static files on Nginx with header